Our Portfolios
Sage Tree Wealth Growth Portfolio - STWGR
This portfolio is designed for those investors that have a risk tolerance that allows for a greater degree of volatility. The portfolio is designed to maintain, in most market environments, ratios of 80% in stock and ETF equity positions and 20% in a bond ETFs that rotate between long term and/or short term US Treasuries as well as High Yield Corporates. Sage Tree reserves the right to rotate at any time to cash if necessary. The index that is used as a benchmark for STWGR is the Dow Jones Global Aggressive (Price Return).
Sage Tree Wealth Balanced Portfolio - STWBA
This portfolio is designed for the investor whose suitability measurements indicate a need for greater exposure to bonds. The portfolio is designed to maintain, in most market environments, ratios of 70% in stock and ETF equity positions and 30% in a bond ETFs that rotate between long term and/or short term US Treasuries as well as High Yield Corporates. Sage Tree Wealth reserves the right to rotate at any time to cash if necessary. The index that is used as a benchmark for STWBA is the Dow Jones Global Moderate (Price Return).
Sage Tree Wealth Conservative Portfolio - STWCO
This portfolio has been crafted to meet the needs of investors that are most comfortable with investments that control significantly for price volatility. The portfolio is designed to maintain, in most market environments, ratios of 30% to 40% in stock and ETF equity positions and 60% to 70%% in a bond ETFs that rotate between long term and/or short term US Treasuries as well as High Yield Corporates. Sage Tree Wealth reserves the right to rotate at any time to cash if necessary. The index that is used as a benchmark for STWCO is the Dow Jones Global Conservative (Price Return).
Sage Tree Wealth Sectors Portfolio - STWSE
This portfolio was created in response to a growing need for a portfolio that seeks to have broad market exposure, while still attempting to reduce short term capital gains. Sage Tree Wealth attempts to achieve this through reduced trading frequency (turnover.) Additionally, the portfolio invests in up to 11 modern U.S. based Market Sectors and their respective industries and looks to respond to bull and bear market trends. Sage Tree Wealth reserves the right to rotate at any time to cash if necessary. The index that is used as a benchmark for STWSE is the S&P 500 Equal Weight Index.
Sage Tree Wealth Dividend Premier Portfolio - STWDP
The Dividend Premier Portfolio was created in an effort to provide a portfolio of lower volatility stocks, with historically consistent dividends. Inherent in its long term focus, this portfolio strives for lower turnover and steadier growth. Sage Tree Wealth reserves the right to rotate at any time to cash if necessary. The index that is used as a benchmark for STWDP is the Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend Index.